Sexual Health: Not Just A Men's Issue

Female sexual health covers a wide spectrum of functions that range from hormonal chemistry to sexual performance. We realize that understanding these natural functions can be daunting, frustrating, and complex. Like with anything, aging plays a crucial role in how these different elements operate within the human body. There are a number of methods that help to optimize and enhance the sexual health of each Defy patient. With the help of our experienced doctors and educated medical staff, we aim to give our patients the resources they need in order to live an enjoyable and healthful life.
The Culprit Behind Sexual Dysfunction in Women
The causes of sexual dysfunction in women are quite often overlooked even though women suffer from sexual issues just like men. While treatments for men experiencing erectile dysfunction are readily available, many women are left wondering what options might be available to them. As a woman ages, there is a rapid decline in sex hormones such as estradiol and testosterone. Although women produce a much lower amount of testosterone than men, this decline is noticed throughout the entire body. Testosterone is responsible for a woman’s sexual desire and responsiveness, mood, sense of well-being, and mental acuity. As it does for men, testosterone plays a role in maintaining a woman’s libido. Restoring optimal hormone balance can help improve libido and reduce the symptoms of sexual dysfunction.
Based on a study conducted in 2015, it was shown that 40 percent of women in the US were reported to have sexual health care concerns and 12 percent of women were reported to have concerns related to distressing sexual health issues (1).
We understand that each patient is different and that they require personalized care and customized medical solutions. We offer a wide range of treatment options associated with female sexual health.
Do You Suffer from Female Sexual Dysfunction?
The following are signs and symptoms commonly associated with a decrease in testosterone in women.
- Decreased lean body mass
- Increased body fat
- Thinning or loss of hair
- Osteopenia or Osteoporosis
- Decline in sexual motivation or libido
- Fatigue and lack of energy
- Decreased sense of well being
- Lack of concentration
- Orgasmic dysfunction
- Arousal disorder
- Depression
Over our many years of practice, we have helped numerous women to restore and enhance their sexual health and performance while helping them enjoy natural balance and vitality. If you have concerns about your sexual health or our various treatments and supplements, click here to schedule an appointment with one of our specialists.