Defy Medical Patient Bill of Rights and Code of Conduct

The perceptions and expectations of patients need to be aligned with what the doctors, medical staff and Defy Medical can realistically offer. It is important that these services, facilities, treatment, and applicable rules and regulations are explicitly stated rather than assumed to be understood by those who come to Defy Medical for treatment. Once these are stated, it also becomes easier for Defy Medical to receive constructive feedback and suggestions on the same.
1. Patient’s Code of Conduct
Patients are responsible for their own personal and environmental well-being. The following code of conduct emphasizes the responsibilities of a patient while seeking medical care at Defy Medical.
As a patient:
- You should provide the doctor with accurate and complete information about your medical history, past illnesses, allergies, current illnesses, and medications.
- You should report changes in your medical condition.
- You should ask for clarity if the doctor’s prescription and diagnosis seem unclear.
- You should follow the doctor’s treatment plan.
- You should pay your medical bills promptly.
- You should follow Defy Medical rules and regulations.
- You should have realistic expectations of what the doctor can do for you.
- You should help your doctor help you; if something isn’t working, be clear and the doctor can advise alternative care.
- You should participate actively in your own medical care (in terms of awareness and preventions).
- You should treat the doctors and staff with respect and dignity. Verbal abuse will result in immediate discharge.
2. Patient’s Bill of Rights
This lists the basic rights that any patient has with respect to his / her own treatment, with respect to Defy Medical, and in relation to information to be made available. By publicly displaying such a list of rights, Defy Medical and doctors display their commitment towards the health and well-being of the patients who come there for treatment, and help to build and re-affirm the patient’s trust and faith in the doctor and in the medical system.
Each medical facility should display the following Patient’s Bill of Rights.
3. Rights of a Patient related to the treatment
- To be treated with dignity.
- To obtain from the doctor complete information concerning the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis in a language the patient can understand.
- To receive necessary information from the doctor such as long-term effects, side effects etc., before giving any prior consent to a medical procedure and/or treatment.
- To know and understand Defy Medical’s procedures involved.
- To be informed about how much time the treatment will take.
- To be informed about what the expected overall cost of treatment will be.
- To be informed about the necessary documentation.
- To receive prompt and courteous care.
- To be given, at the time of discharge, all details of the disease, treatment, and the needed follow-up.
- To refuse the suggested treatment and be informed of the medical consequences thereof.
- To be confident my Private Health Information is properly safeguarded and guaranteed private.
4. Rights of a Patient related to Defy Medical
- To have a list of exact services available and corresponding fees.
- To have the contact information of the responsible person to register a complaint or give feedback.
- To educational information about medical issues via wellness coaching sessions, etc.
- To have my Private Health Information properly safeguarded until destroyed.